Documentation of BlogBell Pro

1. How To Install and Activate Theme?

  • Go to Appearance – themes
  • Click on Add New
  • Click on Upload Theme
  • Click on Choose File and upload theme zip file
  • Click on Install Now.
  • Click on Activate Theme

2. How To Install and Activate Plugins?

  • Go to Appearance – Themes
  • Click on Theme BlogBell Pro
  • Click on Install Plugins
  • Select both “One Click Demo Import” and “Contact Form 7 Plugin”
  • Click on Bulk Action and select Install, then Click on Apply.
  • Click on Return Back to Plugin Installer
  • Select both “One Click Demo Import” and “Contact Form 7 Plugin” and click on activate.
  • Click on Dashboard.

3. How To Import Demo data?

  • Click On Appearance – Import Demo data
  • Click on Import Demo data button
  • Wait for few seconds until it says, All Done Have Fun.

4. How To Cutomize Front Page Sections?

  • Click On Appearance – Customize
  • Go to Front Page Sections

5. How To Change Theme Color?

  • Go to Appearance – Customize
  • Go to Colors Panel
  • Select Custom Theme Color

6. How To Set Primary Menu?

  • Go to Appearance – Menus
  • Create a New Menu
  • Add Menu Items
  • Click on Set Primary Menu
  • Click on Save.

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