The best things in life are free

Dying people who truly know they are dying are among all people the most alive. They are not here to live forever. They are here to live for now, for today—and most of all, they are here to live with and for others.

This is just the way a wise, old man speaks to a younger man. “Ah,” he says, “if I knew then what I know now, I’d do things differently. I’d slow down. I’d enjoy my kids. Only yesterday they were knee-high, and now they’re gone. I’d take time to listen more than I speak.” The voice of Dying people who truly know they are dying are among all people the most alive. They are not here to live forever. They are here to live for now, for today—and most of all, they are here to live with and for others.

This is just the way a wise, old man speaks to a younger man. “Ah,” he says, “if I knew then what I know now, I’d do things differently. I’d slow down. I’d enjoy my kids. Only yesterday they were knee-high, and now they’re gone. I’d take time to listen more than I speak.” The voice of

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