How to manage Font?

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  4. Theme Options
  5. How to manage Font?

1. From Customize section, go to Theme Options.
2. From Theme Options, you will see Font.
3. In Font you will see:

  •  HomePage Heading Font: Here you can easily choose different types of font for the header section.
  • HomePage Body Font: Here you can easily choose different types of font for the body section.
  • Blog/Archive Heading Font: Here you can easily choose different types of font for the header section.
  • Blog/Archive Body Font: Here you can easily choose different types of font for the body section.
  •  Post Heading Font: Here you can easily choose different types of font for the post title.
  • Post Body Font: Here you can easily choose different types of font for the post content.
  • Page Heading Font: Here you can easily choose different types of font for the page header.
  • Page Body Font: Here you can easily choose different types of font for the page content.
  • Site Title Font: Here you can easily choose different types of font for the site title.
  • Site Tagline Font: Here you can easily choose different types of font for the site tagline.
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